2012年7月8日 星期日

2013 2012 左永安顧問 安永經營管理顧問 EMBA TTQS 共通核心職能 職能標準 技能檢定 Want to be an RTO?

Want to be an RTO?

Join over 5,000 registered training organisations (RTOs) across Australia, reaping the benefits of national accreditation and recognition.
Registration is like a stamp of approval, recognising that an organisation is a credible training provider that meets national standards.
While RTOs are diverse and range from private training companies, large organisations, industry and professional associations to schools, TAFE and adult community education colleges, they all meet nationally recognised standards of quality and deliver nationally recognised training and qualifications.

In this section

  • Benefits of being an RTO
    RTOs are recognised as providers of high quality, nationally recognised training and qualifications which are highly valued by employers and sought after by those developing a career.
  • Costs and obligations
    Any organisation wishing to become an RTO must meet the terms of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) standards for RTOs, comply with legislation pertaining to training, and pay the prescribed fees to the relevant state or territory training authority.
  • Benefits of being an enterprise RTO
    Many organisations whose core business is not training are finding there’s much to gain in becoming an RTO and delivering nationally recognised training to their employees.
  • Information for schools
    Schools wishing to provide nationally recognised vocational education and training, need to comply with specific state and territory registration requirements.
  • The training system explained
    Vocational education and training (VET) is 'education and training for work' and is one part of a broader educational network in Australia including schools, universities, and adult and community education.
  • Partner with an RTO
    Establishing a partnership arrangement provides an opportunity to share skills, effort, costs and resources for mutual benefit.