2016年10月9日 星期日

2016 10 10 左永安顧問 左記歐洲商行 安永經營管理顧問集團 台北左府(無極)道德宮 天藍海 鹿鳴國際電子商務有限公司 台大 台師大 EMBA 共通核心職能 TTQS ICAP PMP 新加坡经济正在转型,并朝提高生产力目标迈进。本地中小型企业,如何突破资金和人手有限的挑战,提升营运效率?来自台湾、专研生产力的张宝诚博士建议利用加减乘除法。这是怎样的一套法则? Productivity Series (part 1) : To Increase Productivity by Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying & Dividing The Singapore economy is undergoing transformation, and is moving towards the goal of increasing productivity. How can local small and medium enterprises increase efficiency, given the challenges of limited capital and human resource? Productivity expert from Taiwan, Dr. Chang Pao-Cheng, suggests the simple mathematical method of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing to achieve the goal. How does this work?提高生产力系列(二):人才的选、用、育、留 好员工是企业最大的资产,能够提高企业的生产力和竞争力。台湾生产力大师张宝诚博士分享人才的选、用、育、留的学问。 Productivity Series (Part 2) : Choose, Assign, Grow and Retain of Talent A good employee is the biggest asset of a company as he can help boost its productivity and competitiveness. Dr. Chang Pao-Cheng, productivity expert from Taiwan, shares his views on how to choose, deploy, groom and retain human talent.